Kay Aesthetic Dermatology

Duties: Web site design and maintenance, graphic design, content editing, video conversion and editing, web marketing and search engine optimization.

Dr. Martin Kay's site caters as much to a senior audience as well as the middle age demographic, and as much to men as to women. The web site was designed to be family-friendly which meant no nudity or suggestive graphics. Our task was to create a safe, accurate and informative online experience while still maintaining a certain level of design aesthetics, a certain “sexiness”. Since the majority of services offered were for facial treatments, variations of the human face and head are repeated throughout the overall design.

The biggest challenge to this project was organizing the large number of services and treatments offered, and categorizing them into a manageable number of subsections. Services that were more common or needed additional promotion, like acne treatment and laser cosmetics, were reiterated using newsletter articles, strategic link positioning on the web page, and before-and-after photos, to attract image search engines as well as provide potential customers with examples from actual patients.







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